Hechingen April 2023

Seminar with Bernhard Boll


On the weekend of April 29th to 30th, 2023, a seminar with Bernhard Boll took place in Hechingen.
The Aikidoka came from Hechingen, Nuremberg, Trebur, Stuttgart, Haigerloch, Balingen, Zurich and Balerna.
At the beginning Bernhard awarded the Chuden certificates to Leon and Hamza, they had passed the exams last year in Haigerloch and Nuremberg respectively.
Bernhard had chosen some Tsuzukiwaza for the third dan for the lessons. Michele Cassina from Dojo Balerna had to coordinate with the Uke from Hechingen for his first Dan exam. So Saturday morning training began in the usual way with kenkotaiso, ki musubi, breathing exercises, stretching and falling exercises. Techniques from Tsuzukiwaza 5 Ryokatadori followed. The first technique is called Zenponage ojigi, where ojigi means bending down while bowing. A quick bend also occurs in the Tsuzukiwaza 8 Yokomenuchi. This is part of the examination program for the first dan. Michele could demonstrate this Tsuzukiwaza and the other Aikidoka then also practiced the first three techniques.
When all seven techniques of Tsuzukiwaza 5 had been studied, the 2nd Dan each performed the entire sequence.

After that there was a short break, which was used to take the group photo.
On the mat we continued with Bokken and Jo 1. The basic version of the Jo 1 Kata is performed alone (hitoriwaza). In order to better understand the movements of the Jo, a Bokken is added as an attacker. Under Tohei this was called "Jo 1 with Bokken". Yoshigasaki Sensei expanded this sequence to depict sixteen more situations. The Jo plays the leading role in this form, so this sequence is called "Jo 1 with Bokken". The existing sequence has been renamed "Bokken mit Jo 1". Bokken should show that it has the situation under control. Therefore, the Tsuzukiwaza 25 is currently available in at least three variants:
Jo 1 Hitoriwaza (at the latest in the program of the first kyu),
Jo 1 with Bokken (in the program of the first Dan),
Bokken with Jo 1 (in the program of the third dan).

Group photo

Seminar in Hechingen 04/2023


Saturday afternoon

In the afternoon, with the support of Christian Veith, Bernhard showed the techniques of Tsuzukiwaza 24 Jodori, which is in the program of the third dan. Tsukikaeshi and Tsuki Zenponage are already known from 2nd Kyu, the Shihonage is similar to a Shihonage with Bokken, which is already practiced in 3rd Kyu. Zenponage, Kirikaeshi, Douchi and Yokobarai are then new techniques. But there are still some things to consider if you want to perform meaningful movements.
At the end of the Saturday training session, Michele took the first Dan exam. In Japanese, for first Dan the term Shodan is used. "Sho" means "beginning, new, fresh, first time". Waldemar, Stefan, Hamza and Leon took the part of Uke. Michele was very calm and worked in a concentrated and precise manner. The Aikidoka watching remained really silent. Interesting situations arose in the Randori. His success was applauded by the spectators.
The photo shows the examinee with his Uke and the examiner.

Sunday morning

Sunday morning practice started with Kenkotaiso with Waldemar and Aikitaiso with Stefan. There were less participants on the tatami. So the Tsuzukiwaza 9 Tsuki & Keri was easy to practice. This includes three techniques against punch attacks and four techniques against kicks. In the case of a straight kick from the front (maegeri), it is first necessary to dodge it to the side. In this way, the attacker's leg can be caught with one arm, while the other arm is brought in front of his face and causes him to fall. With the contactless variant, the attacker's Ki should be guided in such a way that he falls in the same way. The first lateral kick (mawashigeri) aims at medium height. Nage steps back slightly and is able to catch Uke's lower leg with one arm. Then, with the help of his second hand, he manages to direct Uke's leg in such a way that Uke can fall forward. The second mawashigeri actually aims for the head. If Nage lets him land on his shoulder, he can protect himself with one arm and control Uke's leg with the other so that Uke can fall forward again.
After intensive practice, the seminar ended with some forms of Kokyudosa. The next seminar with Bernhard will take place from June 30th to July 2nd, 2023 in Nuremberg.



Photos: Yvette, Joanna & Heidi